
MAC OS X – Copy and Paste as Text

Well, well. I have my new Mac workstation and let me say there are many differences to Windows. But let me say it is much more better.

While I was writing my letter I would like to copy a text from one of my website admin page and it pasted the style also. So I was really curious that is it possible to copy and paste as text. And of course yes it is possible.

You can use


to paste text without formatting.


Another Annoying Outlook Web App Feature

Hope that someone at MS realize that it is time to set up an UX team. This is my favorite OWA feature for today:
I’ve got a mail with an attachment that can not show in browser. Under that there is a Download button. Clicking on that you get an error telling you that you have to use your browser save link as… function. Congrat again MS…

owa-download owa-error


MySQL Out of Resources Error

Checking my automated backup I realized that one of my database dump is empty. I chechked the database and it was ok. I tried a manual dump and I got this:

mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'Lock tables on `tablename`': Out of resources when opening file './databasename/tablename###.MYD' 

After some googling I found a solution. I have the following line to my.cnf

open_files_limit = 4096

then restarted MySQL everything was ok.

LMS Moodle Uncategorized

Another Moodle report – List submitted files of an assignment by cohort users

My boss wanted a report to show who had submitted a certification of their debit by courses. We have approximately 120 courses. All courses have a consultant with teacher role. All the student are in separate cohorts. Each cohorts added  one-by-one to courses so one cohort to one course.  Consultants need to know who paid or who not. So I have made a separate course with a single assignment where students upload their certifications. In each course I have to made configurable report where the consultants see only their students upload status.

So the SQL is:

SELECT u.lastname Lastname, u.firstname Firstname, u.username Username, Email, Cohortname, s.status SubmissionStatus, concat('<a target="_blank" href="%%WWWROOT%%/pluginfile.php/Submission-id/assignsubmission_file/submission_files/',f.itemid,'/',f.filename,'?forcedownload=1">',f.filename,'</a>') Download, FROM_UNIXTIME(f.timecreated) SubmissionDate
FROM prefix_user AS u
JOIN prefix_cohort_members AS cm ON cm.userid = 
JOIN prefix_cohort AS ch ON = cm.cohortid and ch.idnumber = 'Cohort-id' 
JOIN prefix_role_assignments AS ra ON and ra.contextid in 
(SELECT from prefix_context co WHERE co.contextlevel = 50 and instanceid in (
SELECT id from prefix_course where id = Course-id)
) AND ra.roleid=5 
LEFT JOIN prefix_assign_submission AS s on = s.userid AND s.assignment = (SELECT instance FROM prefix_course_modules WHERE course=Course-id and id=Assignment-id)
LEFT JOIN prefix_assignsubmission_file AS asf ON = asf.submission AND s.assignment = asf.assignment
left join prefix_files f ON f.itemid = asf.submission AND f.filesize > 0
LEFT JOIN prefix_files_reference r ON f.referencefileid =
ORDER BY, u.lastname, u.firstname

And finally all the consultants are satisfied.


How to turn off HTTPS login in Moodle database

When cloning a site for testing purposes, there could be a problem with HTTPS within the testing environment. There is a fast way to turn it off in the the database:

update prefix_config set value = 0 where name = 'loginhttps';

Then you can login without HTTPS.




Strange links in RT_Clarion theme

There is two strange link in the Clarion theme and in a <div id=”rt-wj”> layer and camouflaged in the code.


How to change Moodle chat beep sound

You can change the beep sound by change the %WWWROOT%/mod/chat/beep.wav file.

You can also disable the beep by deleting this file.

Uncategorized Windows

Can’t access DVD with fresh new installed Windows 8.1 (Code 19)

I have a Windows that cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. To fix this problem you should uninstall and then reinstall the hardware device. (Code 19) error code in Device Manager.

I checked many sites, for me this has been worked:

reg.exe add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0" /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001

NOTE: It is only works when you run Command promt as administrator.


Thanks for


Moodle BigBlueButton activity, String could not be parsed as XML, Error code: generalexceptionmessage, Firewall issue

I have recently used the BigBlueButton plugin without problem, but I had to move my Moodle to another virtual machine. And when I tried to add a new BigBlueButton activity I got a String could not be parsed as XML error.

First I checked the setting. Remember to have the Server URL with /bigbluebutton/ at the end like:

If you do not have this setting you will always get this error.

But in my case the error still occured. Then I figured out that it could be a problem of my private LAN. My Servers are behind the firewall and I do not have a DNS inside the private LAN. So the packages tried to go through the firewall and the connection was broken. But the log said only this:

[Thu Feb 27 18:29:41 2014] [error] [client] Default exception handler: Exception - String could not be parsed as XML Debug: \nError code: generalexceptionmessage\n* line 282 of /mod/bigbluebuttonbn/locallib.php: Exception thrown\n* line 282 of /mod/bigbluebuttonbn/locallib.php: call to SimpleXMLElement->__construct()\n* line 258 of /mod/bigbluebuttonbn/locallib.php: call to bigbluebuttonbn_wrap_simplexml_load_file()\n* line 31 of /mod/bigbluebuttonbn/mod_form.php: call to bigbluebuttonbn_getServerVersion()\n* line 191 of /lib/formslib.php: call to mod_bigbluebuttonbn_mod_form->definition()\n* line 86 of /course/moodleform_mod.php: call to moodleform->moodleform()\n* line 256 of /course/modedit.php: call to moodleform_mod->moodleform_mod()\n, referer:

So I edited the /etc/hosts files on both servers and put their names and local IPs into is.

Moodle  /etc/hosts file:


BigBlueButton  /etc/hosts file:


Then it worked again!


Mahara Moodle Uncategorized

MAHOODLE Payload not encryptedERROR 1:1:Payload not encrypted

When trying to export an assignment document to Mahara and we get the following error:

Payload not encryptedERROR 1:1:Payload not encryptedDebug: \nError code: failedtopingline 280 of /portfolio/mahara/lib.php: portfolio_export_exception thrown
line 57 of /portfolio/mahara/preconfig.php: call to portfolio_plugin_mahara->send_intent()\n, referer:

Most likely we are behind a firewall. If both Moodle and Mahara servers are behind the firewall simply add the inner IP address of the Mahara server to the Moodle server /etc/hosts file like this:


Or if you have a DNS inside the firewall, check the settings of it.