
Strange links in RT_Clarion theme

There is two strange link in the Clarion theme and in a <div id=”rt-wj”> layer and camouflaged in the code.

CMS Joomla

Paging error on Rokgallery loadposition grid mode, no previous and next button

I use Joomla 2.5 with Clarion template. I also installed RokGallery. One of my gallery did not show the page buttons and I could not find out why for a while. I followed the steps I mentioned in my last comment, but there was a little mistake. I put an “_” to the position name. When I delete the “_” character it worked.

So an important note: do not use special character (_-#@&) when using loadposition in an article.

CMS Joomla

Adding RokGallery to Joomla Article

Here are the steps to insert RokGallery into an article.

  1. Create a Gallery as normal on the Administration site. Go to Component > RokGallery.
  2. Add a Gallery by clicking on the Galleries icon.
  3. Set the options, name your gallery, choose a tag and save.
  4. Upload your images or choose images from the existing ones, set their name and description and tag them with the tag you have set in the gallery dialog.
  5. Go to Extensions > Module manager
  6. Create a new RokGallery module.
  7. Add Title, set Gallery Layout to Grid and the most important is to define a Position.
    Important note: the Position must be a uniqie identifier, not an existing one and should not contain special characters like _-!#.
  8. Go to Content >Article manager. Create a new article.
  9. Set Title and the required options.
  10. In the article text insert:
    {loadposition positionyouenteredtothegallerymodule}
