Moodle 3.9.11+ was recently installed in Azure Cloud. The installation was not an easy ride because Moodle was not prepared to install the application behind an SSL proxy. You may find the solution for this here: Installing Moodle using SSL Proxy.
I started to use Moodle then I realize that I cannot add an activity or resource. And this is something that without this feature Moodle is useless. So first of all, I checked the Javascript console on the client-side and I’d found that some of the Javascript could not be loaded because the response was 403 Forbidden.
The error message was:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status 403 (ModSecurity Action)
Category: Azure
Update: Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL: Use PHP (not) to Connect and Query Data article has now some new updates.
Microsoft listened to my words, so I have found a documentation how to connect to Azure Database for MySQL with PHP via SSL connection. This can be found here:
Of course this is not a complete solution because it did not work for me. So here is my solution.
After I was able to manage HTTPS with a self-signed certificate on the Microsoft Application Gateway it was the time to redirect all HTTP communication to HTTPS. For that Microsoft offers only a PowerShell solution, you are not able to do that on the Portal. So in my life, it was the first time I had to use PowerShell. Actually, I was surprised. To write and test a PowerShell script for Azure is relatively easy. But the way to get there is full of traps.
Another day in Paradise with Microsoft. 🙂
Today my task was to set up HTTPS on the test environment with Azure Application Gateway, but the end of the day it was done.