Microsoft Windows

Best Way to Fix Microsoft Sticky Notes

Today I have faced an issue that Sticky Notes did not start. It turned out that recently, Sticky Notes received a much-needed update for the Windows 10. I have found this solution the Guiding Tech blog “Top 8 Ways to Fix Sticky Notes Not Working on Windows 10” post so I installed the update using the Microsoft Store. And what happened after the update? You can guess. I’ve lost almost all of my notes. Thank you again, Microsoft!

So my solution to fix Sticky Notes is:


And use something else.


Azure Microsoft Windows

My First PowerShell to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS on the Azure Application Gateway

After I was able to manage HTTPS with a self-signed certificate on the Microsoft Application Gateway it was the time to redirect all HTTP communication to HTTPS. For that Microsoft offers only a PowerShell solution, you are not able to do that on the Portal. So in my life, it was the first time I had to use PowerShell. Actually, I was surprised. To write and test a PowerShell script for Azure is relatively easy. But the way to get there is full of traps.

Microsoft Windows

Create a database and an user with SQL Server Authentication

Again dear Microsoft, why do you harden our life when you could make it easier?
Yesterday I was able to install Access Database Engine to connect the .ASP application to its database. But because getting

An unhandled win32 exception occurred in w3wp.exe

all the times, I thought it is time to change to MS SQL Express.

  • Installed MS SQL. Few GBs not much.
  • Installed SQL Server Management Studio (the installer is 830MB while MySQL Workbench installer is 23MB).
  • Migrated the data with SQL Server 2016 Import and Export Wizard. Was quite easy because I had already installed the Access Database Engine connector.

So I had everything to start using with the .ASP. But I knew I need a user for the connection.

The first of all only some documentation mentions that you have to enable SQL Server Authentication. Not having this option enabled you will get login failed. Beside that you are able to create the user add password add roles everything without a simple warning that you won’t be able to use it. Haha.

SQL Server Authentication

When set you have to restart the SQL agent. You can use SQL Configuration Manager for this. A tool designed for this. I could not find the service stop start within Windows.

#service mysql restart

Isn’t this more simple? Okay now You could use PowerShell for this.

Secondly, by default you can only create users with a password in a contained database. Why? Don’t know. Maybe life can be too easy.

So again asking stackoverflow what to do. Here is the solution:
exec sp_configure 'contained database authentication', 1

alter database YourDatabase
set containment = partial

Here we go. So now you are able to create a user with a password. Simple, isn’t it?

Finally you can test the connection by creating a TestConnection.udl file somewhere in your server. Then double click on it and test the connection with the specific user name and password.

TestConnection.udl properties

And all of these can be made with one single command in MySQL without any hocus-pocus:

>grant all on (databasename).* to 'username'@'localhost' identified by 'password';



Change Password without CTRL + ALT + DEL on a Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop

Mr. Gates,

Why there is no other option to change a password in Windows except pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL?

We are using site to site VPN so we have to logon to VM via RDP and from that VM we can jump to the other company’s VM. Even when pressing CTRL + ALT + END it send the command to the first VM so how to change password on the second VM?

The solution is to use On-screen keyboard on the second VM. Funny isn’t it? Start menu type osk. Press CTRL + ALT and click DEL on the On-screen keyboard.



Another Annoying Outlook Web App Feature

Hope that someone at MS realize that it is time to set up an UX team. This is my favorite OWA feature for today:
I’ve got a mail with an attachment that can not show in browser. Under that there is a Download button. Clicking on that you get an error telling you that you have to use your browser save link as… function. Congrat again MS…

owa-download owa-error

Uncategorized Windows

Can’t access DVD with fresh new installed Windows 8.1 (Code 19)

I have a Windows that cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. To fix this problem you should uninstall and then reinstall the hardware device. (Code 19) error code in Device Manager.

I checked many sites, for me this has been worked:

reg.exe add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0" /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001

NOTE: It is only works when you run Command promt as administrator.


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