T24 Temenos

View the History of a T24 Version Record

Viewing the history of a T24 version record is a really good feature of Temenos T24 and Temenos Transact.
How to use it? First of all, when you check a T24 record in See mode you can see the Curr No field that shows how many versions has this record.

Curr No of the Version record in See mode
Curr No of the Version record in See mode

So if you need to view the previous version of the record you will need to enter the version after the record ID.
For example: if you want to check the first version of the CUSTOMER record 114473 you have to enter 114473;1 on the version main screen where the number after the “;” character identifies the version.
Note that you can only view the version record in See mode. Therefore, you need to click on the Magnifier icon on the top left corner of the screen to view the record version in See mode.
Also, note that the History functionality must be turned on in T24 to achieve this.

e version number on the T24 version main screen
Entering the version number on the T24 version main screen

T24 will load the previous version of the record.

And that’s all.

T24 Temenos

Possible fixes for “Maximum T24 users already signed on” Error

First of all, this should never happen in a Production environment.

Maximum T24 users signed on
Maximum T24 users signed on

But in a Testing environment, it can. Let’s see how the tokens/sessions work in T24.
Whenever a T24 user logs in, a unique token id will be created in the F.OS.TOKEN and F.OS.TOKEN.USE tables. When the user logs off, the system will remove the id from the F.OS.TOKEN table. Theoretically.
The TOKEN will be removed from the table if:

  • The user logs out using the Sign off link.
  • The user signs off using the “LO” command command in the command line.
  • The record from F.OS.TOKEN gets removed when the time in TIME.OUT.MINUTES field in USER record is reached. If the TIME.OUT.MINUTES field in USER record is empty, then time specified in AUTOLOG.TIME.MINS field of SPF record is being used by the system.

In some cases, this does not happen and you may get the error message that you can see in the pic above. In my earlier post, I showed how to see how many sessions are active in the environment. If you know that many of the listed users are not working in T24 anymore or there is more than 1 entry for a user then you may do the following:

%TSA.SERVICE enquiry listing services that contains TOKEN in their ID.
RTN.CLR.EXP.TOKENS token cleaning service in R20
  • Check if there is token cleaning up service and it is running. The name of the service could be BNK/RTN.CLEAR.EXPIRED.TOKENS or RTN.CLR.EXP.TOKENS. This should clean the OS.TOKEN table. Please note that you may not find this service in every T24.
  • Check the TIME.OUT.MINUTES field on the USER configuration for each user. It is a bad practice to set this field to 999. In this case set a lower value like 5 minutes.

That’s all!


How to open a saved request in Postman?

Postman is a great tool for testing interfaces. It is a scalable API testing tool that quickly integrates into CI/CD pipeline. I use it to test Temenos Transact services. You can create POST and GET messages easily and also you can save them for later use. Unfortunately, it does not follow the conventions used in other popular windowing environments. There is no open menu. The CTRL-O shortcut opens the import dialog. So how to open saved requests? Here is the solution.

T24 Temenos

Resetting T24 User after Getting TOO MANY ATTEMPTS Message

It can happen often while testing T24 Transact that a user is getting locked because of some reasons. The system administrator will be required to re-enable the user’s profile when the user has forgotten his/her password, wishes to sign-on during a deactivated period, or when the user was locked out because there were too many bad login attempts. Here is the solution how you can unlock the user.

T24 Transact Too Many Attempts error on the login screen
T24 Transact Too Many Attempts error on the login screen
T24 Temenos

How to Check How many Sessions are Active in Temenos Transact (T24)?

This can be important to check when you have a user limited license from Temenos. So when you see a screen like this

Maximum T24 users already signed on
Maximum T24 users

You might want to check the active users. So let’s check how many users are active in the system. First log on as INPUTT user then type OS.TOKEN in the command line and press Enter. On the OS.TOKEN application choose List Live File from the dropdown and click on the ✔ button.

OS.TOKEN application
OS.TOKEN application

In the list you may see the active users.

Live File of the OS.TOKEN table
Live File of the OS.TOKEN table

And there you are.

T24 Temenos

Get Temenos T24 Release Version in BrowserWeb

If you do not have access to run tVersion on the server there is another way to find out what release you are using.

Log in to BrowserWeb with a user that has inputter role. Type SPF in the command line.

Type SYSTEM in the text box and click on the magnifier (View a contract) above the textbox.

Scroll down to the Current Release field. Here you can see the value and that’s it.


T24 Temenos

Temenos T24 Menu Opens a Different Version than the Menu Shows?

Does the Temenos T24 menu open a different version than the menu shows?

Yes, that could happen. Here is how you can check it.


Open a Till for an existing T24 User in BrowserWeb

What can I say? TELLER is a nightmare in T24. But of course, it has to be tested also.

Here is a quick guide how to open a till for a user in BrowserWeb.


How to Unlock a Record in Temenos T24 BrowserWeb?

As always it is tricky to unlock a record in T24 BrowserWeb.

When you get:


you can use the following steps to unlock:

  1. Enter RECORD.LOCK L
  2. Search for your locked record on the %RECORD.LOCK enquiry screen. Eg. @ID CT CUSTOMERID. Then click on the record “FBNK.CUSTOMER$NAU.CUSTOMERID“.
  3. It will appear on the RECORD.LOCK Version. Add a V and a space in the front so it will be like “V FBNK.CUSTOMER$NAU.CUSTOMERID“. Press Enter.
  4. Click on the Play icon.
  5. You will get a TRANSACTION COMPLETE acknowledge message.


T24 Temenos

Getting Company IDs from Temenos T24

Today I got a question how the COMPANY ID can be listed in R14.

The solution was easy:

