As a request to our client we changed to HTTPS on our server for their Moodle 2.7.1+ instance. I configured the site, but after the change the file picker stopped working.
I have found that Chrome console shows the following:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Uncaught ReferenceError: MathJax is not defined
It was definitely true. I tried the link with HTTP and it was fine.
So my solution was to delete the equation from the Toolbar config at Site administration / Plugins / Text editors / Atto HTML editor / Atto toolbar settings.
6 replies on “Moodle – Filepicker not working in 2.7.1+ on HTTPS”
Thank you, you saved me lot of debugging time !
BDW, it’s not only the filepicker but also the Text Editor that wasn’t working without cancelling the equation plugin.
Sad there isn’t an option to just disable a plugin.. next time I’ll have to upgrade moodle I will have to again remove the folder…
This problem just happened with me. But when you say you deleted the equation, do you mean Equation Editor?
Hi Stuart,
No. Navigate to Site administration / Plugins / Text editors / Atto HTML editor / Atto toolbar settings
Down at the Toolbar config you may find the line
insert = equation, charmap, table, clear
Delete the word equation so the line should look like this:
insert = charmap, table, clear
Than click on Save changes.
Gabor, thank you very much. That did it. I missed that completely.
Thanks again.
My quick fix – change MathJax.js cdn:
Old line:
$url = get_config(‘filter_mathjaxloader’, ‘httpsurl’);
Change to this:
$url = “”;
Serafim, You helped me a lot.
Thank You!