Linux Moodle

Moodle Analytics – Part 3. – Setting up TensorBoard in cPanel to view the Model Results

After evaluating a model you will get the following message in Moodle:

Launch TensorBoard from command line by typing: tensorboard --logdir='/path_to_your_moodledata/models/4/1566208427/evaluation/coreanalyticstime_splittingquarters/logs/1566583192278/tensor'

Installing moodlemlbackend is a prerequisite to view the model results. Read this quick guide on how to setup the prerequisites.

The moodlemlbackend package comes with an older version of TensorFlow package which contains a TensorBoard application where I had problems to view the result. Therefore a new Python virtual environment was installed for running Tensorboard only. With cPanel the Python environment can be set up quickly.

Here is a quick guide on how to launch TensorBoard in cPanel and view the results of the Moodle Analytics models evaluation.


Moodle Analytics – Part 1. – Setting up the Python Machine Learning Backend in cPanel

Moodle Analytics machine learning models were introduced in Moodle 3.7.
Moodle currently supports two predictions processors:

  • PHP machine learning backend which comes with the core installation
  • Python machine learning backend which is using TensorFlow and much more accurate than the PHP backend and which is recommended over the PHP by MoodleDev.

Python backend requires python binary and moodlemlbackend python package.

This guide will help to to set up the the backend in cPanel.