
Moodle BigBlueButton activity, String could not be parsed as XML, Error code: generalexceptionmessage, Firewall issue

I have recently used the BigBlueButton plugin without problem, but I had to move my Moodle to another virtual machine. And when I tried to add a new BigBlueButton activity I got a String could not be parsed as XML error.

First I checked the setting. Remember to have the Server URL with /bigbluebutton/ at the end like:

If you do not have this setting you will always get this error.

But in my case the error still occured. Then I figured out that it could be a problem of my private LAN. My Servers are behind the firewall and I do not have a DNS inside the private LAN. So the packages tried to go through the firewall and the connection was broken. But the log said only this:

[Thu Feb 27 18:29:41 2014] [error] [client] Default exception handler: Exception - String could not be parsed as XML Debug: \nError code: generalexceptionmessage\n* line 282 of /mod/bigbluebuttonbn/locallib.php: Exception thrown\n* line 282 of /mod/bigbluebuttonbn/locallib.php: call to SimpleXMLElement->__construct()\n* line 258 of /mod/bigbluebuttonbn/locallib.php: call to bigbluebuttonbn_wrap_simplexml_load_file()\n* line 31 of /mod/bigbluebuttonbn/mod_form.php: call to bigbluebuttonbn_getServerVersion()\n* line 191 of /lib/formslib.php: call to mod_bigbluebuttonbn_mod_form->definition()\n* line 86 of /course/moodleform_mod.php: call to moodleform->moodleform()\n* line 256 of /course/modedit.php: call to moodleform_mod->moodleform_mod()\n, referer:

So I edited the /etc/hosts files on both servers and put their names and local IPs into is.

Moodle  /etc/hosts file:


BigBlueButton  /etc/hosts file:


Then it worked again!



Mahara Moodle SSO – Unknown error 710

I have got a mail from one of our students, that she can not log in using SSO from Moodle. The Apache log said:

[Thu Oct 10 10:46:38 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: [WAR] fe (api/xmlrpc/client.php:173) Unknown error occurred: 710: Az al\xc3\xa1\xc3\xadr\xc3\xa1s-ellen\xc5\x91rz\xc3\xa9s sikertelen; az azonos\xc3\xadt\xc3\xa1st feltehet\xc5\x91leg nem \xc3\x96n \xc3\xadrta al\xc3\xa1., referer:
[Thu Oct 10 10:46:38 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: Call stack (most recent first):, referer:
[Thu Oct 10 10:46:38 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: * Client->send("") at /var/www/, referer:
[Thu Oct 10 10:46:38 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: * AuthXmlrpc->request_user_authorise("f5d3148ab41b07113f47f79458596a5425b73895", "") at /var/www/, referer:

The solution was to change the public keys on both Moodle and Mahara. After it the SSO worked again.