Azure Microsoft Moodle MySQL

Moodle 3.3 with MySQL SSL Connection in the Azure Cloud

Update: Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL: Use PHP (not) to Connect and Query Data article has now some new updates.

Microsoft listened to my words, so I have found a documentation how to connect to Azure Database for MySQL with PHP via SSL connection. This can be found here:

Of course this is not a complete solution because it did not work for me. So here is my solution.

Microsoft Windows

Create a database and an user with SQL Server Authentication

Again dear Microsoft, why do you harden our life when you could make it easier?
Yesterday I was able to install Access Database Engine to connect the .ASP application to its database. But because getting

An unhandled win32 exception occurred in w3wp.exe

all the times, I thought it is time to change to MS SQL Express.

  • Installed MS SQL. Few GBs not much.
  • Installed SQL Server Management Studio (the installer is 830MB while MySQL Workbench installer is 23MB).
  • Migrated the data with SQL Server 2016 Import and Export Wizard. Was quite easy because I had already installed the Access Database Engine connector.

So I had everything to start using with the .ASP. But I knew I need a user for the connection.

The first of all only some documentation mentions that you have to enable SQL Server Authentication. Not having this option enabled you will get login failed. Beside that you are able to create the user add password add roles everything without a simple warning that you won’t be able to use it. Haha.

SQL Server Authentication

When set you have to restart the SQL agent. You can use SQL Configuration Manager for this. A tool designed for this. I could not find the service stop start within Windows.

#service mysql restart

Isn’t this more simple? Okay now You could use PowerShell for this.

Secondly, by default you can only create users with a password in a contained database. Why? Don’t know. Maybe life can be too easy.

So again asking stackoverflow what to do. Here is the solution:
exec sp_configure 'contained database authentication', 1

alter database YourDatabase
set containment = partial

Here we go. So now you are able to create a user with a password. Simple, isn’t it?

Finally you can test the connection by creating a TestConnection.udl file somewhere in your server. Then double click on it and test the connection with the specific user name and password.

TestConnection.udl properties

And all of these can be made with one single command in MySQL without any hocus-pocus:

>grant all on (databasename).* to 'username'@'localhost' identified by 'password';


LMS Microsoft Moodle MySQL

Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL: Use PHP (not) to Connect and Query Data

Back on the road of blogging again.

So our client who is a big European organization has Microsoft Azure Cloud services and having consultant company for support.

Since we would like to run Moodle we need PHP + MySQL.  We got an Ubuntu app server. Funny isn’t is to run Linux machines in the Microsoft Cloud? But I am sure they are performing better than the Windows Servers. For taking advance of the Cloud service we have been offered to use the Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL Basic solution with 50 DTU. We have been told to use SSL connection.

The problem was that there is no man on Earth who could establish an SSL connection to Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL with PHP.

Even Microsoft’s documentation how to connect MySQL with PHP is without using SSL.

Our other problem was that it was so slow that we gave up using it. A 1MB MySQL dump export took 5 minutes. In a localhost it took few seconds.

We had got the following response from the Microsoft consultant:

We took the smallest instance possible to start with, so you can expect bad performances.

This is not a bad performance, this is unusable.

Hope to have a better MySQL service later. Come on MS!